Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Brush those Teeny-weeny Teeth, Baby.

Do you still remember your baby's teething days?

Wailing in the middle of the night, incessant crying, biting everything he sees....

Cultivated the habit of brushing S's since he was toothless. Cloth wrapped around my finger and stuffed it into his mouth to touch those soft gums and tongue softly so that he would get accustomed to the feeling. Seemed pretty easy at the start and he quite liked it for the first few months. But when major teething times arrived, he was suddenly reluctant to having the cloth or brush in his mouth. I guess the pressure and abrasion caused discomfort on his gums.

I got a full set of Pigeon brushes for S for different stages at the start but he only liked the first brush which has soft rubber bristles. He started biting the bristles or munching and sucking on the brushes when he started teething. I persisted for several months and in the end thought probably those made his gums feel uncomfortable.

Recently, I got him an Oral-B brush and he now enjoys brushing his teeth himself. So I can confirm that the bristles on the Pigeon one has caused him discomfort in some way and that's why he kept rejecting it.
The Oral-B Brush for 4-24 months

This Oral-B one comes in pastel colours which makes it cute for your babies and toddlers. S especially loves it as he loves ducks so at the sight of it he was immediately enticed.
Pretending to brush when the brush isn't even in his mouth. Action only.
In the end he decided this is the best way to brush. Getting very cheeky nowadays.

And do you know? We are advised by the dentists to change our toothbrush every 3 months to protect our teeth from being infested by microscopic bacteria that stays on the brushes after rinsing and washing. This is not only for young children, it also applies for adults as well.

Happy Brushing for Shinier Smiles!

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Separation Anxiety

If you are returning from work after your 3-4 months maternity leave, you must be feeling quite sad and unwilling because it's finally time you've got to spend so much less time with your baby. But don't fret, weekends will be always be here!

I'm one of the lucky ones who have the chance to be home to spend quality time (till I get sick of it sometimes) for at least the first few years of S's life.

For me, I only had to leave S behind when S was 1 year and a month old. I wouldn't have done it if given a choice. But I guess the decision was right to make sure that he isn't such a mummy's boy. I was back in Singapore for 3 days and I decided not to bring S along since it is just a short trip. I've learnt that such zoom-zoom trips aren't suitable for him. Went back to celebrate Mum's Day with my beloved mum and sister.

Too hard to part with this cheeky face.

In order to ensure that your child and you will be happy during the separation.

1. Prepare the helper with daily duties like making him take naps and feeding him his meals.

2. Have Nainai ( my mother-in-law) sleep with him at night.

3. Let him know that you'll not be at home for the next couple of days.

Somehow in my case, S understood and got used to no-mummy-days and only whined the first night we videocall-ed. Other times he just behaved and played with Daddy, Nainai, Yeye ( father-in-law), and the helper. Just that he still looks for me, his toilet trainer, to poo so when I was not around he didn't know who to tell and so pooped in his pants for that few days. Lol.

Frankly speaking I didn't dare to video call him after that because I couldn't bear to see him sad again. It makes me feel so guilty, like a mum who ditched the family to go have fun on her own.

Though the break only lasted for like 2 days, I got to rest properly for once after 1 year and 1 month of sticking with my silly boy. However, habitually, I still woke up in the middle of the night to check if he was too cold or hungry.
Out to Feast Mum's Day.

During the separation, I missed my son a lot but also had to force myself to leave so that he wouldn't be too reliant on me. I would still return to the workforce one day because I realised being a full-time mum just isn't too healthy for someone like me. I'm planning to be back soon.

Wait for me fellow comrades, I'm going to be back for serious business! Being a part-time mum is good enough.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Never too Early to Potty Train

We started potty training S when he was 2 months old. Thus far it has only been successful for pooping. Pee wise, not really. He still pees as and when he likes. So I still wrap him up in his diapers during sleeping times. But it already saves a lot of trouble for me.

Switching from disposable to cloth is a lot of effort actually. Firstly, cloth requires frequent changing as it doesn't absorb like how the disposables do. Secondly, you got to wash the nappies in mid-day preferably unless you don't mind the stench of pee.

But one advantage for that is you cut down a lot on the usage of disposable diapers. For now, I still use disposables for S at night as I want undisturbed sleep.

It's all about making it a habit. It's much more hygienic and neat this way. Now he only does his occasional poos in his disposable diapers when he is feeling unwell or when we are on the go and he really cannot tahan anymore.

I've resorted to letting him repeatedly watch a Youtube video. Toilet Time is Fun to let him understand what he has to do when he has the urge to poo or pee and so far he seems to understand as he has been holding back his urges for the potty.

He is almost 15 months now and being his exclusive "Potty Trainer" he will always send me the urge signals. My efforts have paid off and the tiredness is all worthwhile.

Being a full-time mum is a never-ending process, now I understand why my mum use to say she is the one who understands us the most. She'll always be able to see through our lies and I hated it. Lol. Only a full-time mum can proudly make this claim. It's tiring but definitely fulfilling.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Public Transport on T.G.I.F. Knock-off Time, in SG.

*breathe in, breathe out* 

Managed to survive despite the train packing like sardines during last Friday's peak hours. The experience was crazyyyyyyyy because no one really cared if you have a baby, are preggy, is handicapped or old during that period of the week. OMG. And I don't think I exaggerated. You really see the ugly side of human beings in such times.
S touching his reflection
Shopping, before the crazy train ride

It rained pretty hard that day but my sister and I insisted on bringing our beans to J.E.M. because we thought," Hey, it's just a few stops away from us. YJ a.k.a. Amei (my sister's baby) needs the Ergobaby carrier URGENTLY and we can always cab back home if the rain got worse." What we didn't expect was to be caught in the peak-hour train ride because oh boy were the taxi-stands full of people and the trains packed like crap. Haven't been out during peak hours for a long time and we were dumb enough to go experience it again this time with out babies. 

To be fair, there were several people who helped. But only after successfully squeezing into the train. Somehow, people suddenly saw light, literally, and started helping out with S and my pram when we were in. wth right? Luckily babies' bones are quite soft and can afford to be squeezed a little (not sure if I'm right about this though). lol.

My sister's mother hen instinct came into play and she shouted, "Those with baby, board first!!!!" when she saw me pretty helpless when I was squeezed by the people around me at the point when we were boarding the train. Imagine it, I was carrying S without a carrier. Could have dropped him if it got worse. OMG. So yes, very thankful for having such an older sister.

Despite all these, being me, I always see the rainbow after the rain. S got a chance to ride a jammed packed train for the first time and it is considered a milestone for him as he survived! And not only did he survive it, he managed to endure hunger, as it had already passed his dinner time, and still smiled his ever-so-endearing smile at the aunties, uncles, sisters and brothers on the train ride. And that's not all! He shouted, " PAPA!" for the first time in his life. Yes! I can still remember it vividly. He tilted his head to face me as I was behind him and smiled and called out those 2 syllables. It was as though he remembered being on the train for the first time with his papa and also sitting on his pram when he was 4 months old. Now that I recall, that was the only time he had taken the MRT other then this time. You might think I hallucinated or it was pure coincidence but I really don't think so because the next moment when he got impatient and insecured, having so many people towering over him, while in his pram, he called " MAAAaaaaa." So he does know the difference between "mama" and "papa", I guess.

The more important thing was my sister finally got her Ergobaby 360! Such a cause for celebration! It really does wonders.

Satisfied Amei!
Home Sweet Home


Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Mum's Life

While I was in Jakarta to hide from the haze, I did most of the mum duties by myself. I guess I can now safely say that I've been promoted to a pro mum. You know your have gotten the auto-upgrade when your weight reduces to before you got preggy. lol.

On an ordinary day, my day goes like this...

S wakes up, rolls on me repeatedly to wake me up. Yes. He works like my alarm clock, one that is physical.
S dressed and posing to look like his bedroom kaki, Pokojang.

With sleepy eyes, I hold S on the potty to let him take a dump. Sometimes yes, sometimes only after 3 days, his poo gets so hard it sounds as though it might make a hole in the potty when it drops.

We would go out for a morning stroll if the sun is merciful enough. S faces outwards in my ever-so-satisfied purchase, the Ergobaby 360 degrees. It is really the best investment when your baby starts to put on weight. S loves the walks as he can meet friends in the neighbourhood and of course his newly found friends, dogs, cats and hoppity-hop little birds.

S's First Holiday in Bandung! Remember?

Next, I'll feed S a small portion of fruit and then porridge for breakfast. If you can't get up so early to cook, the alternative might be fruit purees or brown rice powder with homemade applesauce.

Once he is full he will get cranky as he has got to crash. I'll breastfeed him till he falls asleep. It is actually not advisable to do that as it would become a sleeping habit for your baby and he will only be able to sleep when you are around. I'm trying very hard for him to quit it and switching him to bottle feeding in the day. So far so good! Touch wood, touch wood! 

Makes myself a cup of oh-why-so-fragrant coffee to perk me up and remain energetic through the entire day. Have a simple breakfast, like a Speedy Gonzales, and I'll be back in my room to make sure S doesn't fall off the bed now that he rolls and crawls around like a squirmy wormy just that he moves at the rate of light. Really one...

Feed S porridge again when he wakes up. Breastfeed him again if he feels sleepy or not allow him to play with his toys till he is bored then play with him and show him attention. Time for a fruit snack. out for a walk. Time for porridge as dinner. Take a bath and read a bedtime story w him. Then, breastfeed him to sleep.

That's my normal routine. If S feels unwell and doesn't sleep much, i will have to be with him for as long as he is awake.

But of course once in awhile there are surprises like,

"Oh! My baby's teeth are appearing!" OR

"Omg! You don't need to nap?" OR

"What! You bit off an edge of your favourite book?" OR


Up to more mischief nowadays. lol

Below is a good read for people who don't appreciate what SAH mums do and those of you who are contemplating on the choice of being a SAH mum: Being a SAH mum is a luxury for your spouse.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Milk Rash Attack!

Do you know that milk rashes are actually ringworms? It is infectious and can get pretty nasty when it gets uncontrollable. If you see red patches that are slightly rough in texture appearing on your baby's skin, it should be milk rashes. 

S got attacked quite badly after playing with his infected cousin in Singapore. Her mum's fault, not hers okay. Ok, actually S's fault coz he went to grab her face. It worsened when we got back to Indonesia as I fed him and had to wipe his face with a wet cloth and it spread all over his cheeks and chin.
Ewwwww. Look at those rashes.

I had to consult my ever-so-sweet granny-in-law, since she is the most experienced mum around. Is it how I should call my hub's granny? Upon spotting the rashes, she went around the estate looking for the remedy to this on that very day. She came back happily with a bag filled with Jasmine flowers she collected from neighbours who planted it. We are so blessed to have her around, seriously.
These gentle-looking Jasmine flowers killed the ringworms! OMG!

Tried and tested! Natural method is always the best! It isn't panting ok! It really worked due to some chemical reaction that happened between the flowers and the ringworms!

My granny-in-law showed me how to hold five flowers and use it as a brush and gently brush it on the infected areas. S did not show any discomfort when she did it to him but somehow he retaliated when I did the same. This boy just knows who to bully one. Tsk tsk tsk! So now I just sneakily do it after he falls asleep. No big deal!

This is how it is done! Try it! 
Just make sure your baby doesn't wake up as it can get a little itchy-scratchy. lol.
 See! It got so much better after three days!

Now, my granny-in-law plants two jasmine flower trees at home to get fresh ones for our little rascal every day. Blessed boy. If you have space to plant it at home it'll be good if you do the same because I heard the flowers in Singapore might have a lot of pesticide which is harmful for your baby. Use the water which you use for washing rice grains for watering the plant, it will bear flowers sooner, according to my botanist granny-in-law. Love her so much!

Most importantly, keep the hygiene level up for for your baby. Always prepare a wet cloth to clean the milk that gets onto your baby's face after every feed.  As the old saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure." 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Home Basics Collection 2

Home Basics Splashed with Fun Colours and Prints!

  • SGD6.90/set
  • 100% cotton
  • Suitable for hot & humid weather in Asia
  • Purchase individual pieces at SGD4.10/top & SGD4.30/bottom
To order:
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Choice of self-collection or by post.
Buyer bears the postage if it is posted. 
Free delivery for SGD50 or above worth of products from Pod.mum/ .

Cash payment for self-collection.
Payment must be transferred via ATM or ibank-ed to my POSB or OCBC savings account before products are posted to you.

Happy Shopping!